Explore the most comprehensive and up-to-date Postcode Lottery statistics. Discover hidden patterns and trends through our tables and charts, analysing the following key parameters with regards to the Winning Postcodes:
Appearance frequency.
Most and least frequent postcodes.
Most and least overdue postcodes.
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Last 5000 postcodes
Last 2500 postcodes
Last 1000 postcodes
Last 500 postcodes
Last 100 postcodes
Last 50 postcodes
📊 Last 5000 postcodes Number of times drawn - Winning postcodes
Winning postcodes - Statistics
Most picked Least picked Most overdue Least overdue Postcode Frecuency Postcode Frecuency Postcode Draws Postcode Draws B 128 BT 0 BT 5000 BA 0 RG 111 EC 0 EC 5000 BB 1 CF 101 WC 0 WC 5000 BD 2 S 100 ZE 1 LD 3256 BL 3 PO 95 LD 2 ZE 2343 CA 4 M 92 HS 3 RH 850 CF 5 G 91 KW 3 HS 822 CH 6 PE 91 HX 7 FK 656 EN 8 NE 90 BR 8 TA 628 KA 9 NG 88 LU 11 DG 615 L 10
📊 Last 2500 postcodes Number of times drawn - Winning postcodes
Winning postcodes - Statistics
Most picked Least picked Most overdue Least overdue Postcode Frecuency Postcode Frecuency Postcode Draws Postcode Draws B 55 BT 0 BT 2000 BA 0 M 41 EC 0 EC 2000 BB 1 S 40 LD 0 LD 2000 BD 2 G 39 WC 0 WC 2000 BL 3 CF 36 ZE 0 ZE 2000 CA 4 PE 35 HS 1 RH 850 CF 5 PO 35 KW 2 HS 822 CH 6 NG 33 HX 3 FK 656 EN 8 EX 31 TF 3 TA 628 KA 9 RG 31 BR 4 DG 615 L 10
📊 Last 1000 postcodes Number of times drawn - Winning postcodes
Winning postcodes - Statistics
Most picked Least picked Most overdue Least overdue Postcode Frecuency Postcode Frecuency Postcode Draws Postcode Draws B 33 BT 0 BT 1000 BA 0 M 27 EC 0 EC 1000 BB 1 G 22 LD 0 LD 1000 BD 2 BN 21 WC 0 WC 1000 BL 3 PE 20 ZE 0 ZE 1000 CA 4 CF 19 HS 1 RH 850 CF 5 NG 18 HX 1 HS 822 CH 6 RG 17 WD 1 FK 656 EN 8 BS 15 BR 2 TA 628 KA 9 EH 15 DD 2 DG 615 L 10
📊 Last 500 postcodes Number of times drawn - Winning postcodes
Winning postcodes - Statistics
Most picked Least picked Most overdue Least overdue Postcode Frecuency Postcode Frecuency Postcode Draws Postcode Draws B 17 BT 0 BT 500 BA 0 M 13 DG 0 DG 500 BB 1 NG 13 EC 0 EC 500 BD 2 PE 13 FK 0 FK 500 BL 3 CF 11 HS 0 HS 500 CA 4 G 11 LD 0 LD 500 CF 5 BN 9 RH 0 RH 500 CH 6 CM 9 TA 0 SM 500 EN 8 KA 9 WC 0 TA 500 KA 9 RG 9 WD 0 WC 500 L 10
📊 Last 100 postcodes Number of times drawn - Winning postcodes
Winning postcodes - Statistics
Most picked Least picked Most overdue Least overdue Postcode Frecuency Postcode Frecuency Postcode Draws Postcode Draws NG 5 AB 0 AB 100 BA 0 M 4 AL 0 AL 100 BB 1 PE 4 BA 0 BR 100 BD 2 SK 4 BB 0 BS 100 BL 3 CF 3 BT 0 BT 100 CA 4 CM 3 CV 0 CO 100 CF 5 G 3 DD 0 CV 100 CH 6 B 2 DG 0 DD 100 EN 8 BN 2 DH 0 DG 100 KA 9 CR 2 DN 0 DH 100 L 10
📊 Last 50 postcodes Number of times drawn - Winning postcodes
Winning postcodes - Statistics
Most picked Least picked Most overdue Least overdue Postcode Frecuency Postcode Frecuency Postcode Draws Postcode Draws NG 4 AB 0 AB 50 BA 0 SK 4 AL 0 AL 50 BB 1 CF 2 BA 0 BN 50 BD 2 PE 2 BB 0 BR 50 BL 3 B 1 BD 0 BS 50 CA 4 BH 1 BL 0 BT 50 CF 5 CA 1 BN 0 CO 50 CH 6 CB 1 BR 0 CR 50 EN 8 CH 1 BS 0 CT 50 KA 9 CM 1 BT 0 CV 50 L 10